March 11, 2015 7:30 pm
March 11, 2015 10:30 pm
Storycode LA
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830 Traction Ave, #3A, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 90013

Join us for an evening with Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Don Bartletti and web producer Armand Emamdjomeh of the LA Times. Hear them speak about their sprawling new project “Product of Mexico,” and connect with other members of the growing StoryCode LA community.


“Product of Mexico” is a four-part multi-media series that documents the harsh working conditions found on Mexican mega-farms. A beautifully-assembled collection of personal stories, “Product of Mexico” exposes the basic inequalities that keep US food prices low, and hold thousands of Mexican men, women and children locked in a modern-day form of bonded labor. Taken as a whole, the series offers an unsettling variant on William Burroughs’ naked lunch, “a frozen moment when everyone sees what is on the end of every fork.”

Experience “Product of Mexico” here:

The presenters:

DON BARTLETTI has been a photojournalist with the Los Angeles Times since 1984. His series of photo essays about young Central American migrants won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for feature photography. He remains especially dedicated to the causes and effects of economic migration across the southern border of the U.S. and within nearly every state in Mexico. Other documentary subjects have taken him to 23 countries around the globe.

ARMAND EMAMDJOMEH is a Web developer and visual journalist at the Los Angeles Times. When he’s not behind a camera or keyboard, he can usually be seen exploring the streets of L.A. on his bicycle.

(big thanks to Paul Olund for helping us pull this together)

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