Introducing EO Alchemy to the Hub LA social enterprise community. EO Alchemy’s mission is to engage leading entrepreneurs to learn and grow while maximizing the entrepreneurial lifestyle. EO - for entrepreneurs only - is a global community that enriches members’ lives through dynamic peer-to-peer learning, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and connections to experts. EO is the catalst that enables entrepreneurs to grow and to learn from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life, as well as the largest entrepreneur’s organization in the world.
As social entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand that time spent on your social enterprise is tremendously important, and EO Alchemy has been carefully crafted to maximize value for participants. Here is the lowdown on the event:
EO Alchemy takes place on June 24th, from 5-9 PM at Korn Hall at UCLA. The event includes 7 dynamic speakers, each of whom will have 20 minutes. If you have ever seen Simon Sinek, Chet Holmes, or Jason Nazar, then you know the caliber of speakers at this event.
But the speakers are only half the reason to attend….
EO LA events are closed to the public, so this is a extremely rare opportunity to meet our members and see how EO works. Discounted tickets are available at 50% off ($50.00) to qualifying EO applicants. Please read the application process attached on how to qualify for the discount. They are a limited number of discounted tickets and we expect them to sell out. General admission tickets are available for purchase at EventBrite.
Please also save the date of July 14, from 4-7pm for the last opportunity to apply to EO LA in 2010. The chapter is almost at maximum capacity and we expect to reach that on our July 14th event. All applicants will meet at least 10 EO members and 4 other applicants in what we expect to be a energizing event. Interested in applying for membership? Click here to download the Word application.
Want to read an EO LA success story on how EO helps Los Angeles entrepreneurs maximize their time? Look no further…
Dylan Garland of BizQuest sold his company and is now taking a year to travel the world with his family. Here is what Dylan had to say about his EO experience.
And now, having sold my business, what next? Well, first I will be spending some time traveling around the world with my family, and I plan to use the EO directory to meet entrepreneurs in many of the places we’ll go. What a great way to meet interesting people abroad and get a first-hand experience of their cultures. After that, who knows? But I’m sure it won’t be long before I’ll be telling my Forum-mates about my next idea!
Perhaps most importantly, the insights I gained through Forum - getting to know 9 other intelligent and driven entrepreneurs, and learning all about their businesses and the challenges they faced - gave me an entirely new perspective on my own business. I got to know their businesses intimately, and I got to see my own business through their eyes. This enhanced perspective was incredibly valuable to me, and helped me to significantly improve both my overall strategy and daily decision-making. I can’t imagine anywhere else that I could have gained this level of insight. Selling my business was a difficult, and yet rewarding process, and I don’t think I could have done it without drawing on the vast combined experience and wisdom of my Forum-mates.
Being an EO member for the last 3 years has been invaluable to me as I continued to grow, and eventually sell my company, the online business-for-sale marketplace Getting to know so many other hard-working and successful entrepreneurs provided a constant source of inspiration that I used as fuel to push myself and my business to continue to grow. The monthly learning events helped me to think about important aspects of my business - Sales, Marketing, Strategy, etc. - in entirely new ways. The top-notch social events were not only great opportunities to get out of the office and have fun with interesting people, but they provided access to some of the most amazing and exclusive venues around. (Club 33 anyone? The Playboy Mansion!!??)
I had been reading about the Entrepreneur’s Organization for several years before I finally took the plunge and joined. I kept using the excuse that I was too busy running my company, raising a family, and doing a million other things to be involved in EO, but what a mistake that was. It finally occurred to me that every single person in EO is a busy and successful entrepreneur, just like me, but that the value they got from EO was so great that they made time for it, and I could too. Once I joined EO I instantly regretted not joining years earlier.
For more information about EO Alchemy, please visit